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[图文]Part 3 Finding Topics for Free Talks 寻找闲谈话题

时间:2009-02-19  来源:http://www.yingyu8.com  

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1

Peter: Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?

Anne: No...no, here, let me move my purse from the chair.

Peter: Oh, thank you. Say, haven't I seen you with Jack Davidson?

Anne: I work with Jack Davidson. How do you know Jack?

Peter: Jack and I went to the same college. What sort of work do you do?

Anne: I work on commercial accounts at the trust company with Jack. Um...what do you do?

Peter: I'm a telephone installer. I just happen to be working on this street the last couple of days. I should introduce myself, my name is Peter Spencer.

Anne: Well, nice to meet you! I'm Anne Kennedy.

Peter: Glad to know you. Do you live around here?

Anne: Yeah, I live in the neighborhood-it's really convenient for work.

Peter: Oh, it sounds like it. ... By the way, are you doing anything tonight?

Anne: Uh, sorry, I'm afraid I'm busy tonight.

Peter: Well, how about tomorrow? Maybe we could go to a movie.

Anne: That sounds like a great idea. Um...do you like comedies?

Peter: Yeah, I like comedies, let's see, what could we see? How about "Someone like it hot"? I think that's playing over at...

Anne: Ah...

Peter: ...on Main Street here.

Anne: That's a great idea.

Peter: Well, I guess we should meet about eight o'clock then, because I think the movie starts about eight-thirty. Where would be a good place to meet?

Anne: There's a clock tower near the movie theater. We could meet there at about eight.

Peter: OK, that sounds good. see you tomorrow, then.

Anne: I'll see you then, bye-bye!

Peter: Bye!




Nice day, isn't it?

Horrible weather we're having.

Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?

Say, have we met somewhere before?

Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing-did you mention something about Michael Jordon?

Excuse me, have you got a light?

Uh, I'm looking for a present for my wife, could you help me?

    大家可能发现了,几乎我们身边所有的事物都可以那过来打开话题,就是break the ice,只要大家仔细观察,眼观六路,耳听八方,就不愁找不到话题。


Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2

Wayne: What's the weather like in your country?

Anna: It's very humid. It rains nine months of the year.

Wayne: My country is arid. We have very little rain. But when it rains, we have terrible thunderstorms and sometimes hurricanes.

Anna: The temperature at home is mild most of the time, except in winter, when for a few months it becomes severely cold.

Wayne: Oh, it's hot during the day in my country and just a little cooler at night all year long.

Anna: Well, I guess you never have snow storms, then.

Wayne: Yes, you're right. We have dust storms in the early spring and late fall. It never gets enough cold to snow, though.

Anna: Last year, we had a blizzard. It snowed for five days. That is the worst snowstorm in our history.

Wayne: I read it in the newspaper. It said that the snow turned to hail and later this turned to sleet.

Anna: Yes, the hailstones were large enough to break glass.

Wayne: I'm glad I live in a milder climate, where we have showers and rain instead of snow and sleet.

Anna: But, still you have dust storms and hurricanes!

Wayne: Oh, well. Every part of the world has weather problems, I guess.




Lovely day, isn't it?

Isn't it beautiful?

The sun is shining!

Isn't it gorgeous?

Wonderful, isn't it?

It's so nice and hot!

Personally, I think its so nice when it's hot-isn't it?

I adore it, don't you?


Nasty day, isn't it?

Isn't it dreadful?

The rain again...I hate rain.

I don't like it at all.

Fancy such a day in July. Rain in the morning, then a bit of sunshine, and then rain, rain, rain all day along.


What's the weather like today?

How cold is it today?

Is the weather usually like this here?

What's it like in sring/summer/fall/winter?

The wind is dying now.

What a downpour!

It looks as if there will be a storm soon.

It's a bit windy, isn't it?

It's been looking like rain for several days.

It was warm and sticky last week.

We are going to have a cold spell, I hear.

I wouldn't be surprised if it rained tomorrow.

It's been raining on and off all morning.

The sky is getting very cloudy.

The clouds are building up.

So winter is coming early this year.

The rain season is getting me down.

It's a shame to stay indoors on such a fine day.

Tomorrow's high will be 16 centigrades, and low 12 centigrades.

The winter is going.

Does it rain often here?

It will be from overcast to cloudy today.

It's breezy and pleasant today.

It's clearing up.

The temperature has dropped a lot today.

The temperature has climbed to 35 centigrades.

It's quite different from the forecast.

It was cloudy in the morning, but it turned out to be a nice day after lunch.


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