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肉眼看不到的世界 新书展示放大千万倍照(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2010-10-17  中新网  [复制链接]  字体:



  据台湾“今日新闻网”16日报道,英国伦敦作家布罗(Brandon Broll)的新书《微观世界》(Microcosmos)将于本月底推出,内容收录了透过彩色电子扫描显微镜拍摄而成的照片,呈现出肉眼无法看见的惊人视觉效果。


  除此之外,书中还可看到被扩大到不同倍数的花椰菜、卷烟纸、硅微芯片、人类睫毛等203张图像,其中一张木蚁(wood ant)用下颌骨夹紧芯片的画面更是令人惊艳。

  Colourful clutter: Magnified 22million times, this microscopic photo is of household dust containing long hairs such as cat fur, twisted synthetic and woollen fibres, a pollen grain, plant, serrated insect scales and insect remains. It comes from Microcosmos, a new book which takes readers into a world of extreme close-ups

  Close encounter: Nylon hooks and loops interweave to form the material more commonly known as Velcro

  Electronic wizardry: This photo - or, more precisely, scanning electron micrograph (SEM) - is of the surface of a silicon microchip

  Cosmic: What may look like a filmmaker's vision of an apocalyptic world is actually a cigarette paper. The blue crystals are additives that keep the lit cigarette burning by producing oxygen

  Magnified seed: Perhaps not as surprising as some of the photos, this microscopic shot is of human sperm

  Enlarged 21 times: This colourful flower is actually of fimbriae, a fringe of tissue, of a Fallopian tube

  Raised eyebrow: Eyelash hairs growing from the surface of human skin.... magnified 50 times

  Another world: A clutch of butterfly eggs sits on a raspberry plant


  The weave of ladies' nylon stocking tights (left) and the scales from the wing of a peacock butterfly (right)

  You wouldn't want to meet a mosquito that looked like this. Fortunately, the insect's head has here been magnified 160 times

  Vegetable world: Actually looking like you would imagine it to, this is the head of a cauliflower

  Contagious: A human head louse clings to a strand of hair

  A corroded surface of a rusty metal nail appears like an alien environment when enlarged 600 times


  The tip of a hummingbird's tongue (left) is one of many photos taken by 30 'microscopists' and compiled in new book Microcosmos by science author Brandon Broll加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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