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www.sinoca.com 2010-02-12  星岛环球  [复制链接]  字体:


  一、 The Geo-demographics of China and India:地缘中国和印度的人口:

  Land Area: China 9.6 million sq km; India: 2.97 million sq km土地面积:中国960万平方公里,印度:2.97万平方公里

  Population: China 1.3 billion; India 1.1 billion人口:中国13亿美元;印度1100000000

  Labor force: China 791.4 million; India 496.4 million劳动力:中国7.914亿,印度4.96亿

  Population growth rate: China 0.59% (death rate 0.697%, birth rate 1.325%); India 1.38% (death rate 0.818%, birth rate 2.201%)人口增长率:中国0.59%(死亡率为0.697%,出生率1.325%),印度1.38%(死亡率为0.818%,出生率2.201%)

  二、 Economy in General一般经济

  GDP in 2005: China US$2.225 trillion; India US$719.8 billion or 2005年GDP:中国,二万二千二百五十点零零亿美元,印度,七千一百九十八点零零零亿美元

  China US$8.859 trillion; India US$3.611 trillion by PPP 中国,八万八千五百九点零零亿美元,印度,三六一一 美元,购买力

  Economy sectors:经济部门:

  China: Agriculture: 15% of GDP, Industry 52% of GDP, Manufacturing 35% of GDP, service 33% In 2001中国:农业:15个国内生产总值,工业生产总值52,制造业生产总值35,服务33%,2001年

  India: Agriculture: 24% of GDP, Industry 27% of GDP, Manufacturing 16% of GDP, service 48% In 2001印度:农业:24国内生产总值,工业生产总值27日,制造GDP的16,服务48%,2001年

  These data comes from World Bank.这些数据来自世界银行。 You can conclude that Chinas industry size is almost 6 times of Indias after a very simple calculation.你可以得出结论,中国的产业规模是近6倍,印度的经过很简单的计算。 You can see how little Indias industry is.你可以看看,印度的工业。 More important, Chinas industry is still growing much faster than Indias.更重要的是,中国的工业仍然增长速度远远超过印度。

  三、 Agriculture农业

  India has more arable land than China.印度比中国拥有更多的可耕地。 Indian produced 250 million tons of grains in 2003 (Thanks for the good weather).印度生产了250万吨粮食,前提是遇到2003年的好天气。

  China usually produces 450 million tons of grains each year no matter how tough the weather is (record is more than 500 million tons) (Thanks for the biotech R&D and expansion of the technologies in agricultural filed in China).中国通常会产4.50亿吨粮食,每年无论多么艰难的天气(最高记录是500多万吨)。


  As data in “Economy in General” section shows, Chinas industry scale is 6 times of Indias.如数据“总体经济”一节中显示,中国的产业规模是印度的6倍。 Chinas industry is still growing at around 16% pace for many years.中国的工业仍然以约16%的速度增长。 That means one year increase in Chinas industry revenue equals to the total size of Indias industry.这意味着一个中国的工业收入同比增长等于印度的工业总规模。 The gap is huge.差距是巨大的。

  Around 43 million tons of iron and steel was produced in India in 2005 (An important index of infrastructure construction.) China produced around 349 million tons of iron and steel.在2005年约43万吨钢铁产于印度(基础设施建设的一个重要指标。),约3.490亿吨钢铁生产于中国。

  55% of the world cement (Another infrastructure construction index) was used in China. 55%的世界水泥(另一项基础设施建设指数)%被用于中国。

  By the data from CIA fact books, India produced around 36 million tons of oil (A natural resource index) in 2003 and will face the resource problem soon.事实上,根据中央情报局的书籍资料,印度2003年生产约36亿美元的石油,并且将很快面临资源问题。

  China produced 160 million tons of oil in 2003 and imported more than 100 million tons in the same year.中国生产1.6亿吨石油,并且在这一年进口石油超过100万吨。

  Here talks about the Sino-India trade in 2004.中印贸易在2004年在这里举行了会谈。 It clearly tells that India is only a raw material supplier to China and China mainly sells industrial products to India.它清楚地告诉说,印度只是一个原材料供应商,中国和中国工业产品主要销往印度。

  Indias average tariff fell from 56% in 1990 to 28% in 2004.2004年印度的平均关税从56%降至1990年水平的28%。 By comparison, Chinas average tariff dropped from 32% to 6% over the same period.相比之下,中国的平均关税由32%下降到6%同期。 That means, India has to use tariff to protect its weak industry.这意味着,印度利用关税保护其弱势产业。 While, Chinas industry competes against others fairly even in domestic market.显然,中国工业与别人是公平竞争,哪怕是在国内市场。

  In 2002 the typical monthly wage of a manufacturing worker in India was US$23.80 while in China the figure was US$110.80, according to the IMF. 2002年,在印度制造业工人每月工资是$ 23.80美元,而在中国这一数字是美国一百一十点八○美元,数据参照国际货币基金组织。

  Even Indias industry is under the protection of high tariff.即使是印度的工业是在高关税保护。 India still has a huge trade deficit.印度仍然有巨大的贸易赤字。 The deficit could reach US$50 billion in the fiscal year of 2005-2006.赤字可能达到美国在2005-2006年财政年度的500亿美元。

  But China always has a trade surplus.但是,中国始终有贸易盈余。 I even dont bother to provide the links.我甚至不愿在这方面提供数据。

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