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www.sinoca.com 2011-03-02  网络  [复制链接]  字体:

  我们印度人不是什么都喜欢和中国进行对比吗?那好,让我们来看看中国人是怎么从一个叫做利比亚的地狱中撤出他的国民的。中国到利比亚的距离比印度远了一倍,但中国外交部2/28宣布,中国已经将29,000人撤出了利比亚。哇,这比印度在利比亚的全部侨民还多了11,000! 不可能,一定又是中国人在玩弄数字了. 但显然这是一个事实。


  邻近国家有希腊,马耳他,突尼斯, 都是印度的友好国家,我们甚至在马耳他还有一个领事馆。到昨天下午为止,已经有一万多名中国人由中国驻希腊大使馆租用的三艘渡轮,从利比亚的班加西撤到了希腊的克里特岛。中国人知道邻近国家中的希腊,塞浦路斯,土耳其都是老牌的海洋国家,会有剩余的海运能力。在当地租船显然更经济。不过中国人比较小气,哪像我们印度人根本不在意花钱,听说过希腊船王奥纳西斯吗?

  China ‘encircles’ India in Libya

  After all, we are obsessed with comparing ourselves with China all the time, rain or sunshine. Let us see how the Chinese are coping with the repatriation of their nationals from the burning inferno called Libya. China is twice as far away from Libya than India is. Yet, MFA in Beijing says as of today, China has pulled out from Libya 29000 nationals. Vow! That’s 11000 more than the entire Indian expatriate community in Libya. Impossible. China must be fudging figures? No, it’s apparently true.

  How did China manage it? Well, where there is a will, there is always a way. No need to talk to TV, no need to ‘Twitter’, no need of ministerial statements. Just do it. China just relocated its nationals from Libya in the first stage to the neighbouring countries so that they are no longer in immediate danger and on a parallel track the second phase got under way for repatriating them to their home in China. Wasn’t that clever? Seems so. But why doesn’t such bright ideas occur to us Indians?

  The nearby locations were Greece, Malta and Tunisia principally - all friendly countries toward India, too. We even had a consulate in Malta. By yesterday afternoon, over 10000 Chinese were ferried from Benghazi to Crete island in Greece in 3 Greek vessels chartered by the Chinese embassy in Athens. China knows that countries in the region such as Greece, Cyprus and Turkey are old seafaring nations and they have surplus capacity. It is so much cheaper to charter locally, isn’t it? But then, Chinese are a parsimonious lot, unlike us, big-hearted Indians who don’t mind spending. And so much quicker it is to charter ships from the Mediterranean region. Ever heard of Onassis?

  Meanwhile, chartered flights have been arranged to lift the displaced Chinese from Greece, Malta and Tunisia. Interestingly, China chartered Greek airlines as well. China chose Tunisia because apparently it has become a ‘hot destination’ for foreigners fleeing Libya. We probably didn’t look at the map to discover Tunisia is next-door neighbour to Libya.

  Of course, Chinese are a courteous people. So, as soon as the evacuation was over, Premier Wen Jiabao personally conveyed through diplomatic channel Beijing’s sincere gratitude to Greece, Malta, Egypt, Tunisia, etc. etc. (and probably, Gaddafi, too) for the big hand they gave. Of course, China also accommodated in one of its chartered ships 500 europeans who wanted to leave Libya. A goodwill gesture, obviously.

  By the way, China didn’t send any warships? No need of that, either. China doesn’t intend to participate in the NATO’s ‘humanitarian intervention’ in Libya in mid-March. Nor is China seeking ‘inter-operability’ with the NATO. Besides, China is in no tearing hurry to secure the ‘global commons’, either. Besides, it is already a permanent member of the UN Security Council and doesn’t have to be a junior partner to the US. So why send the warships? Anyway, warships are meant to defend the homeland - and not for pleasure voyages.加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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下一篇:中国援助阿尔巴尼亚30年耗费百亿元 始于50年代

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