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www.sinoca.com 2011-08-04  ABC News  [复制链接]  字体:

  据ABC NEWS最新消息:三名在佛吉尼亚理工参加夏令营的小孩举报称看见一名白人男子用衣物包裹枪支进入了校园,在餐室(dining hall)附近活动。警方已在校园布控,并要求学生待在室内,不要外出。目前尚无其他目击者报告关于持枪男子的情况。(来源:RUCJLR)

  Virginia Tech, the site of the worst campus shooting in U.S. history, is on lockdown with reports of a gunman on the campus.

  The university relations office confirmed that there is an alert but would offer no further detail. Students received text messages and emails that a gunman is on the campus.

  "Person with a gun reported near Dietrick. Stay inside. Secure doors. Emergency personnel responding. Call 911 for help," the alert warned.

  On the university's web site, a message was posted at 9:37 a.m. alerting students that there is a gunman near Dietrick Hall. Dietrick Hall is a three floor, more than 92,000 square foot dining facility on the Blacksburg, Va., campus, according to the university's web site. Students have been told to stay indoors.

  "Even the construction zone has come to a halt. The whole construction crew is gone. There is no traffic, no movement, no anything," Virginia Tech communications officer Lynn Davis told CNN.

  Early this morning, three kids attending a camp at the university told authorities that they saw a white male, six feet tall with light brown hair holding what may have been a gun, said Mark Owczarski, a campus spokesman.

  The kids said the weapon was covered by a cloth. The man was wearing a blue and white striped shirt, gray shorts and brown sandals, Owczarski said.

  Owczarski said that campus police along with the Blacksburg Police Department and Montgomery County Sheriff's Office are patrolling the campus. No other witnesses have reported seeing the individual or anything suspicious, Owczarski said.

  Summer classes are in session at the campus. Students begin fall semester check-in on Aug. 17 with fall classes starting Aug. 22.

  In 2007, student Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32 students and faculty, along with himself. He wounded 25 others in the shooting rampage that was the worst加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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