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www.sinoca.com 2016-10-06  地球两端的消息  [复制链接]  字体:

  在美国的中国人无论在就业、上学还有其他许多方面都不是被公平对待的,我们自己的利益只有我们自己去争取。在许多没有中国人居住的美国地方, 比如所谓的学区不是那么优秀的地区,那里的美国人所知道的什么是中国群体完全是从主流媒体听来看来的。主流媒体需要听到更有代表性的华裔美国人的声音。

  华裔第二代已经有更多的孩子有参政议政的热情,他们希望维护自己的权益。无论是民主党还是共和党上台,ABC, Google, Fox, 梁彼得的替罪羊案件......也許还会有更多对在美华人的不当报道和不公平的对待。 政界也需要更多的华人热心参政,要靠自己。

  如果我们自己习以为常,不要指望别人可以为自己代言 。



  We: Thoughts on Watters World

  Chinatown Edition

  (By Jeffrey Gu, 17 yeard old, 11th Grade, born in America as ABC)

  Monday, October 3, 2016. Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor” included a segment called ‘Watters World Segments: Chinatown,’ where host Jesse Watters went to Chinatown, NY to poll for the presidential election. The show worked off of Repub. Candidate Donald J. Trump’s mentioning of China twelve times in the first presidential debate against former Secretary of State and Dem. Nominee for president, Hillary R. Clinton. As Bill O’Reilly put it while introducing the segment, Watters was sent to “find out what folks think about the 2016 election.”

  By all means, Fox News is a major news outlet that provides information for countless Americans about breaking social, economic, and racial issues across the globe. They are held responsible as the sole substantial ‘Republican’ news network in America and broadcasts to approximately 94,700,000 American households. Yet, despite this acclaim, they number zero in Peabody Awards


  , Emmys, du-Pont Columbia awards


  , and Robert F. Kennedy Journalism


  Awards, all prestigious decorations among the broadcasting community.

  This fact may be attributed to a supreme bias among the judges. It could indicate a ‘liberal,’ and therefore detrimental, leaning for these awards. It is possible.

  In light of “The O’Reilly Factor’s” recent segment, however, it is also likely that awards that dictate the best in political inclusion, expanding horizons, and encouraging empathy do not condone the blatant racism that Fox News sometimes adheres to.

  In what Jesse Watters tweeted was “meant to be taken as tongue-in-cheek,” the Asian-American Journalist Association has called “rude, offensive…and damaging.”


  The four-minute segment saw Watters mock Chinese-Americans with questions often completely unrelated to the presidential debate or Donald Trump.

  He asked Americans questions such as “Am I supposed to bow to say hello?” and mocked interviewees who didn’t understand due to a language barrier. The segment was interrupted with clips from martial arts films, although it should be noted that Long Duk Dong did not make an appearance, somehow. After an older woman did not answer Watters’ question due to limited English skills, instead of the excerpt being cut from the final draft, the network added a snippet of a woman shouting “Speak! Speak! Why don’t you speak?”

  The most harmful blow to Chinese Americans comes at the two-minute mark. Watters asks, “Is China, America’s enemy or friend?” The lady replies that China and America are, of course friends. The host’s rebuttal, “Can you guys take care of North Korea for us?” It’s important to be mindful that this impromptu interview is taking place in New York, in the United States. Watters speaks under the assumption that this woman is, for whatever reason, Not American; she is not a part of the ‘us’ Watters refers to. The woman’s response? A look of bewilderment followed by, “Wow…That is too much.” What is it about this woman that so detracts from her ‘Americanness’ that Watters groups her away from himself? Is it simply because she is of Asian descent? It seems so.

  For the Chinese-Americans rightfully outraged by such a segment, there comes an important question: ‘Why us?’

  Bill O’Reilly, the host of the show, even said following the clip, “…I know we’re going to get letters-inevitable.” So Fox knew that it was broadcasting something potentially offensive and decided to follow through anyways.

  Returning to the question at hand, ‘Why us?’ the rejoinder is simple. Fox News considered the possible backlash from Chinese-Americans and decided that cheap laughs were worth it anyway; they understood that Asian Americans are some of the least politically represented minorities in the United States and they took advantage. There wouldn’t be any ‘real’ consequences.

  Even Watters’ 110-character twitter ‘apology’ was a jab. “My man-on-the-street interviews are meant to be taken as tongue-in-cheek and I regret if anyone found offense.” He is disappointed if anyone found offense. For those that don’t know, this is called a non-apology. It fails to express any remorse and beyond that doesn’t not even admit any wrongdoing, instead pinning the situation on viewers.

  So the answer is simple. We are targeted because there is no consequence. We are alienated because we do not have enough political representation.

  And yet, when asked by others, we consider ourselves Americans. We are in the armed forces. We are novelists, and athletes, and neighbors. We pay our share of taxes. We attend the same schools that most other Americans attend and our goals of education are strong within the American Dream.

  For those that say these reactions to racist stereotypes are ‘out of proportion’ or ‘over the top,’ they don’t realize what it means to be isolated from one’s country. They don’t understand the pain of being branded as a “You” among “Us.” It is devastating.

  This is especially so for those first-generation immigrants who sought America as a home. They left behind their families, friends, and native countries for a place advertised as the epitome of equality and education. Today, these are goals we are still striving towards together.

  So as we seek the hearts and minds of not just Asian Americans, but the span of Americans as a whole, we seek the comfort that we are all apart of the United States, that there is no ‘you’ and ‘us,’ but We.


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