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时间:2009-02-19  来源:本站原创  

1. China Eastern Airlines . Good morning . How can I help you ?
2. I’d like to book two seats to BeiJing on a flight leaving on 9th June , please .
3. wait a moment , please . ( A moment later ) .
4. Sorry , Sir , there isn’t a direct flight to BeiJing on June 9 . You will have to change in Moscow .
5. Then when is a eariest direct flight available to BeiJing ?
6. There will be a flight departing from Madrid at 9:18 a.m. the next day .
7. Good . I take that one .
8. Your name , Sir ?
9. Jimmy White and Susan Lee .
10. Do you want to fly first or economy class ?
11. Economy class , please . How much is the fare ?
12. The exact airfare of the two plane tikets is $2,000 . you can pay when you come to pick up your tickets .
13. O.k. Thank you very much . I’ll collect my tikets next Wednesday .
14. That’s fine . Goodbye .
(Miss Norton is chicking in at the airport )
1. Good morning , May I see your ticket and passport .please ?
2. Here you are .
3. Thank you . You are going to New York , change in tokyo ?
4. That’s right .
5. Any Luggage to check in ?
6. Yes , ( minute later).
7. (Handing passport , the boarding pass and the tiket to Miss Norton . ), Here you go , Ma’am . This your boarding pass . You have a sead in the economy-class cabin . Seat9A .
8. Thank you .
9. You are welcome . Have a pleasant flight .
(At the Costmos Desk )
1. Costmos official : Anything to declare ?
2. I have some personal effects in my carry-on suitcase . A wrist watch , a digital camera. This is a laptop computer .
3. Please fill out this Customs Decraration Form .
4. Alright ,Here you are .
5. Thank you . Have a nice trip .
6. (At the security check ) Please go through the metal detecting gate .All right .Cleared.
Useful Sentences
1. Please book me two economy-class tickets to on the JAL Flight 104 to HongGong.
2. I can not go by the morning Flight .
3. I’d like to book a first class open return, please .
4. I’d like to book a seats to Munich on the Flight leaving on June 9 .
5. I’d like to make a reservation to London for July 5.
6. I’d like to make sure my plane reservation is in order.
7. I’m going to stop over at New York City .
8. Will you weigh all our luggage together.
9. I hope our bags are not over the weight limit.
10. They weigh five kilos .So I’ll be just under the weight Limit .
11. I want to check in these three pieces and I’ ll carry this overnight bag by myself .
12. Is this the Air France Check in ?
13. Here is my passport . I’m going on the Air China Flight to NewDelhi .
flight / to reconfirm / tarmac / runway /to go through the entry formality / to board the plane / passport / visa / enty visa / exit visa / transit visa / personal belongings /effects / quarantine certificate / to make flight reservations / to book ticket / to pick up / one-way ticket / return ticket round trip / open return / airline / direct , no-stop flight / stopover/ to break the journey / check in counter / baggage luggage / green channel / red channel / scales /cabin comparment / the crew and cabin stuff /economy class cabin coach / first class cabin /customs declaration form /checked luggage / hand luggage / carry-on luggage / baggage tag /baggage check /luggage trolley / boarding pass /airhostess stewardess / oxygen mask /call button / seat belt /to fasten the seat belt / life vest /to cancel /to delay /red-eye flight /captain /pilot /to take off/ departure /pre-boarding area ./security /metal detector .


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